7/31 - Hart Lab Retreat! We spent the day discussing our science and contemplating on areas to improve. Overall it was a great day talking about our projects & spending time with each other!
6/20-6/26 - Diana and Tanya attended both the C. elegans MAPSS and CeNEURO topics meetings in Madison, Wisconsin! Diana was awarded an honorable mention for her poster at the MAPSS meeting- congrats, Diana!
5/25 - Graduation day! Thank you to Jackie, Manuel and Ashley for all of their hard work over the past few years. We know you will all go on to do great things! Congrats on graduating!
5/4 - We had a picnic together to celebrate the graduating seniors!
5/1 - Diana passed her qualifying exam and is now a MCBGP PhD candidate! Congratulations, Diana!
5/1 - Our neuroscience seniors, Ashley and Jackie, presented posters at the Neuro Seniors Poster Day! They did a fantastic job of explaining all of the hard work they have done over the last 4 years.
4/18 - The undergraduate students gave presentations on their work in lab. Great job to everyone who presented!
3/18 - Alex presented at the Boston Area Worm meeting on the sod-1 project!
3/16 - Adam, Diana, and Tanya worked the Hart Lab booth at the Brown Brain Fair!
3/12 - Adam presented at NSGP in-house and Alex presented at Biology of Aging's PAARF meeting. They both did a fantastic job of presenting their work!
3/6-3/10 - Mika, Jackie and Manuel attended the TAGC24 conference in Washington DC. They all presented posters on their research and Jackie won an undergraduate poster award as an honorable mention! Congrats, Jackie!
3/3-3/8 - Adam attended the Gordon Research Conference for Sleep Regulation and Function. He presented a poster on his work with G-protein signal transduction and sleep.
1/27 - Anne and Alex taught first year Neuroscience PhD students at Neuropracticum at MBL!