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1/21 - We had a joint lab retreat with the Silva-Garcia lab! It was great to share our research with fellow worm researchers and hear about the work that they do!

1/10 - 1/18 - Anne and Mika taught first year Neuroscience PhD students at Neuropracticum.

12/7 - We had our annual holiday party hosted by Anne, but unfortunately forgot to take pictures!

11/14-11/15 - Diana and Anne attended the 12th ATP1A3 in Disease Symposium in Barcelona, Spain.

11/6-11/9 - Mika attended the American Society for Human Genetics conference in Denver, Colorado.

10/26 - We had a coffee hour to discuss science, paint pumpkins, and enjoy some cider & donuts!

10/19 - The lab went apple picking! We picked some pink ladies, fujis, and macouns. We ended the trip with some fresh apple cider donuts!

9/27 - Jeremy's last day in lab! Thank you for all you did for the lab and good luck in Australia! We got lunch at Mokban to send him off.

Photographic evidence of Jeremy's last day in lab!

9/12 - The lab headed to Three Sisters for ice cream!

9/3 - Sienna Partipilo joins the lab as a NSGP rotation student. Welcome, Sienna!

7/31 - Hart Lab Retreat! We spent the day discussing our science and contemplating on areas to improve. Overall it was a great day talking about our projects & spending time with each other!

6/20-6/26 - Diana and Tanya attended both the C. elegans MAPSS and CeNEURO topics meetings in Madison, Wisconsin! Diana was awarded an honorable mention for her poster at the MAPSS meeting- congrats, Diana!

6/4 - Roza Khalifa joins the lab as a PREP Student! Welcome, Roza!

5/25 - Graduation day! Thank you to Jackie, Manuel and Ashley for all of their hard work over the past few years. We know you will all go on to do great things! Congrats on graduating!

5/4 - We had a picnic together to celebrate the graduating seniors!

5/1 - Diana passed her qualifying exam and is now a MCBGP PhD candidate! Congratulations, Diana!

5/1 - Our neuroscience seniors, Ashley and Jackie, presented posters at the Neuro Seniors Poster Day! They did a fantastic job of explaining all of the hard work they have done over the last 4 years.

4/18 - The undergraduate students gave presentations on their work in lab. Great job to everyone who presented!

3/18 - Alex presented at the Boston Area Worm meeting on the sod-1 project!

3/16 - Adam, Diana, and Tanya worked the Hart Lab booth at the Brown Brain Fair!

3/12 - Adam presented at NSGP in-house and Alex presented at Biology of Aging's PAARF meeting. They both did a fantastic job of presenting their work!

3/6-3/10 - Mika, Jackie and Manuel attended the TAGC24 conference in Washington DC. They all presented posters on their research and Jackie won an undergraduate poster award as an honorable mention! Congrats, Jackie!

3/3-3/8 - Adam attended the Gordon Research Conference for Sleep Regulation and Function. He presented a poster on his work with G-protein signal transduction and sleep.

1/27 - Anne and Alex taught first year Neuroscience PhD students at Neuropracticum at MBL!

12/10 - We had our annual holiday party! Happy Holidays from the Hart Lab!

12/1 - Jackie was awarded the Undergraduate Travel Award from the Genetics Society of America to attend the Allied Genetics Conference in March.

11/30 - Manuel, Jasmine, Nicole, Jackie, Selam, and Ashley all presented their work for lab meeting this week. They all did a great job!

11/2 - Adam and Mika presented a paper by Erika Holzbaur's lab for journal club this week. Dr. Holzbaur will be speaking for the NSGP seminar on November 9th.

10/24 - The lab enjoyed the pumpkin SPECTACULAR at the Roger Williams Park Zoo! We saw some beautifully carved pumpkins and are too cheap to buy the photo they take when you walk in. So here is the watermarked photo instead!

10/22 - Congratulations to Alex Lin-Moore for receiving the Safenowitz Postdoctoral Fellowship from the ALS Association! You can read more about him and his fellow fellows here: The ALS Association Welcomes 20th Class of Safenowitz Postdoctoral Fellows | The ALS Association

10/19 - Axel presented on his work from the Torres Lab in Puerto Rico and the results he got while here at Brown. Thank you, Axel, for joining us and we wish you luck on your research in the future!

10/12 - Diana presented on her work on the ATP1A3 project.

9/28 - Alex and Diana presented a journal club on a paper by Myriam Heiman who will be visiting Brown for a talk next month.

9/25 - Axel Ufarry Alvarado joins us from Puerto Rico to learn techniques used in our lab. Welcome, Axel!

9/14 - Adam presented on his work on the sleep project.

9/7 - First lab meeting of the semester. We got organized & Ashley gave a presentation on the work she did at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics in Dresden, Germany!

9/6 - The fall semester starts and everyone is back in lab!

8/14 - Tanya Sinha joins the lab as a ScM student in Biotechnology. Welcome, Tanya!

7/18 - Hart Lab Retreat 2023 was a success! It was a great day to discuss projects, eat some good food, and chat with lab members.

6/27 - Alex, Adam, Mika, Jackie, and Anne all attended the International C. elegans Conference held in Glasgow, Scotland this year. It was a blast to learn, present, and have fun with fellow worm researchers!

6/20 - We had a farewell lunch for Marie, who will be leaving us at the end of the month. Thank you, Marie, for all your hard work on the Huntington's project for the past year and a half! You will be missed!

6/16 - We bonded with the Mayoral lab over sandwiches, cornhole, and spike ball! It was a beautiful day and great to get to know each other better as we share lab space.

6/12 - Adam is officially a PhD candidate! Congrats, Adam!

6/1 - Diana Wall joins the lab as an MCB PhD student. Welcome, Diana!

5/11 - We had lunch together to celebrate Muneet & John graduating! Congrats to both of them!

5/4 - Jeremy presented on his work with the Huntington's project & shared pictures from his trip to Australia.

5/3 - Muneet and John presented at the Neuroscience Senior Poster Presentations. They have done tremendous work over the past couple of years and we are sad to see them go, but we know they have very bright futures ahead of them!

4/27 - Our rotation student this semester, Anna, presented on her work with the sleep project! Great job, Anna!

4/23 - John, Ashley, Muneet, Jackie and Marie presented at the Neuron Conference held at Quinnipiac University!

4/20 - John, Ashley, Muneet, Jackie, Manuel and Jasmine all presented on their work! They did a great job & presented well.

4/13 - Alex presented on his work in lab on the sod-1 project! He has been doing a lot of work with the suppressor screen candidates, a suppressor gene of interest and another gene that might help with axon regeneration.

4/6 - Gio Silva-Garcia presented on his work for our lab! Gio recently started at Brown and his lab works with C. elegans and aging. Thank you to Gio for coming in to talk with us. You can read more about his work and his lab on their lab website.

3/16 - Mika presented her work so far on the sod-1 project. She is currently in the midst of trying to determine causal genes for some suppressor lines.

3/9 - Adam presented on his work so far on the sleep project! There was great discussion over protocols and conditions of worm rearing.

3/7 - The lab went ice skating in downtown Providence! We had a great time shredding the ice together.

3/6 - Anna Nixon joins the lab for an MCB rotation this spring. Welcome, Anna!

2/23 - Diana practiced her presentation for her work done in the Hart Lab during her rotation this winter and Joanna practiced her presentation for her work done in the Hart Lab during her rotation this fall. They will be presenting on March 3rd and March 24th, respectively.

2/16 - We had a successful round robin showing figures, talking about crosses and discussing protocols while enjoying some cookies and popsicles to celebrate Marie's & Adam's birthdays!

2/14 - Alex presented on the sod-1 project at the February PAARF meeting at Ship Street.

2/9 - Adam presented a paper for journal club about GABAergic synaptic plasticity during a developmentally regulated sleep-like state.

2/2 - First lab meeting of the semester was spent listening to Fen-Biao Gao from UMass Worcester present on his research at Ship Street.

1/25 - It's the start of the spring semester! Everyone is back in lab & hopefully refreshed from their time off.


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